Manzanilla Olive Tree

Manzanilla: (Spain) Used for table fruit, it is spherical, slightly asymmetrical with a rounded top and bottom. The olives (3-5 grams in weight) are picked very early (September), when they are green.
Plant Information:
Not sensitive to cold or hot summer weather
Self-fertile, but pollinates best with Sevillano
Most important Spanish cultivar.
Excellent quality flesh and easy to remove pits
Manzanilla olive trees flower in summer, ripen in the fall and are self-fertile. This means they do not need additional plants to produce olives. However, having additional olive trees nearby will increase your olive production.
Fruit production usually starts between 2-4 years. At maturity they can grow between 20-30 feet in height with a 20 foot spread. The crown has long pendulant branches, while the leaves are medium-small elliptical and bright green in color. This Olive is best known for its curing, but the Manzanillo Olive is also known for its prized fruit that creates enough oil for pressing. The pulp is 85-88% of the fruit!
*Plants will ship within 3-5 business days of purchase. Allow 5-10 days for delivery. If you have a rush order, please call us and we would be happy to expedite it.