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Koroneiki Olive Tree


Koroneiki:  (Greece) A tree of medium vigor with a spreading habitat and open canopy. Koroneiki olives are among the most common and suitable for high density growing systems around the world. The leaves are thick, with a small leaf blade.


Plant Information:


  • Primarily used in oil production

  • Nearly 50% of Greece's olive production

  • Prefers full sun

  • Can bear fruit in first year after planting

  • Average lifespan of 300 - 500 years

  • Highly tolerant to drought

Koroneiki olive trees are self-fertile and typically yield best with multiple Koroneiki or other varietals such as Arbequina. Flowering starts mid-April with olive maturation between October - December. Fruits are small, but have high oil content around 22%.


One of the big advantages of this varietal is the durability so a green thumb isn't known to be required for plant success!

*Plants will ship within 3-5 business days of purchase. Allow 5-10 days for delivery. If you have a rush order, please call us and we would be happy to expedite it.


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